What I Wrote About At Age 10….

Hello world, it’s Max. Now I’ve been writing most my life, which means there are plenty of abandoned projects that I thought would make great novels. I wrote poems that I forgot, and even parts of short stories for my friends. I wrote a lot about the idea of the four elements, mainly because my friends and I stuck close by talking about them. Here is a poem like short story that remains unfinished.


Earth, an element people take for granite.  The trees, the grass, and even the animals.  I control those.  Yet, I didn’t always know I had the strength inside me to do it.  Here is the start line to my racing mind.  

3rd grade is when I found wind.  The boy with the talent I, unknowingly, held, too.  I have always been mature for my age, but even with a mental complexity of a mature 3rd grader, I couldn’t comprehend this. One day, I simply looked at the trees, and felt their energy.  I had assumed my eyes deceived me when I saw the big oak start to grow.  It couldn’t be real.  Or could it?

It came again, but this time for stress.  I was struggling, internally, with my returning depression.  I didn’t have a name for this feeling, I only knew it was out of nowhere, and I hated it.  I told myself to get over it.  “Your fine!” I spat outside one day.  Then, it happened.  The grass, oh the nice, green grass.  It turned a dreadful color of brown.  It was dead.  But how? I then got distracted by a butterfly, beautiful it was.  With the newfound positivity, the grass was greener than ever.  A slight breeze hit my face, reminding me of my friend, who, at the time, I didn’t know harbored the same abilities.


~Max Out

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